
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What's Happening in Toronto Tonight?

Well, there seem to be two great shows happening in the good ol GTA today.  This is a heads up to other cities to keep an eye out for these tours and if they hit up a venue near you!

First off, we have a breakdown haven happening at the Annex Wreckroom tonight.  Tickets are running for $18 (plus service fees) and doors are at 5pm (17:00).  Check out headliners and direct support from:

Chelsea Grin


For The Fallen Dreams

And other great support from:

- Chunk!  No, Captain Chunk!
- Vanna
- The Crimson Armada (on selected dates)
- Volumes (on selected dates)


And if you felt like you wanted to "Party Hard", then make your way over to the Phoenix Nightclub for an eventful night of Andrew W.K.  The high intensity and high energy show will have you with a beer in your hand and a foot on the dance floor before you know it.  Tickets are running for $23.50 (plus service fees) and the doors open at 8pm (20:00hrs) 

(Photos courtesy of bands' Facebook pages)

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