
Friday, July 13, 2012

Canadian Gov't Ruling on Digital Media

So for those reading in Canada, yesterday was quite a decision of lawmakers on the topic of digital media.  Just paraphrasing/quoting from the CBC here, this is what the article opened with...

"The Supreme Court on Thursday issued a raft of landmark copyright decisions that will affect how Canadians listen to and buy music online.

It also kept open the doors to the kinds of research materials, primarily photocopies, that will be available freely to students.

With the large number of simultaneous decisions — five in total — and a considerable amount of legalese to wade through, experts on all sides of the arguments are still figuring out what everything means.

Here, though, is a quick summary of what the rulings appear to mean for the average consumer and student."

Here is a list if the sections this ruling covered:

- Music Downloads
- Music Previews
- Music in Game Downloads
- Music Streaming
- Textbook Photocopying
- Consumer Impact
- Artist Impact
- Publisher Impact

Now to read the full article, check it out over on the CBC.

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