
Friday, May 9, 2014

Project Loon

Innovation seems to be one of the most interesting pieces here on AFGM.  I could talk endlessly about albums, musicians, songs, tours, etc.  But for some reason, innovations in both technology and music are those news articles and ideas that really catch my attention.  This blog was originally designed to provide readers with NEW things they may have not known existed.  So that's what we strive to do.

Even though some of these articles don't get the attention I think they truly deserve, they are always the most interesting pieces...enough to prompt me to write about them.  Something that changes the way we do things, the way we think, the way we operate, something that takes the status quo and turns it into something more such as these articles below:

BANDHAPPY Launches Registration

Equation To Moshing?

Google's Music Timeline

All of these articles [I found] sparked ideas in my head, or simply made me think, "What a great idea.  I'm sure others are thinking the same thing right now."  So here lies another innovation brought to you by Google.  The group is now looking for a eco-friendly way to bring internet to people around the world.  Check out the video (which is about 11 months old now) below to see what they are planning:

"We believe it's possible to create a ring of balloons that fly around the globe on the stratospheric winds and provide Internet access to the earth below. Balloons present some really hard science problems, but we're excited about the progress so far."

While the big picture here is to connect everyone on the globe with fast, consistent internet I decided to think in smaller circles with this.  Imagine what doors of opportunity could be brought to the music industry with technology like this.  Will we see new music and artists emerge from points of the world that could not be contacted before?  Will we see a demographic shift in pop culture music?  Maybe I am over thinking this.  But then again, how could you not with a great idea such as this?

I think inclusion was the main goal for this.  This will not only bring the global community closer to each other but also bring musicians and music lovers that much closer together to develop something we may not see in foresight.  At a minimum, whether you are a label or an artist, your online audience will now increase significantly.  Best to take note of new technology like this and make it an advantage for your music and/or label!

"A lot of people it seems don't understand how fundamentally important the internet and computers are in addressing people's actual basic needs. The internet is information. The internet is education. The internet is democracy. The internet is business. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Give a man internet, and you're giving him the potential to solve all of the world's problems. Imagine how much hidden talent there is out there." -MultiRationale

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