
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Random Music Quotes: Reznor

"When you see a lot more excitement generated from the dance tent, I do think a staleness has permeated [rock music]. A pretty conservative nature has crept into music and I don’t mean sonically. I get the sense that a lot of bands today are designing themselves to get a good review in the hip blogs and that is probably the safest and most cowardly thing you can do as an artist.

If you have something to say, then say it. Express yourself and break the rules. What I try to straddle is paying attention to what is happening in the outside world to some degree and at the same time becoming insular and really trusting my own voice and my own sense of what is right and appropriate.

(Photo courtesy of Rob Sheridan)

I don’t hear tons of that going on right now. I’m saying this as an old guy. You start to morph into the guy you railed against when you were younger. But I’m being true to who I am now. I have thought about the nostalgia aspect of Nine Inch Nails, because I am not completely objective.

I’m me and I’m seeing life through my eyes. But it’s sometimes hard for me to see how others see me. What I don’t want to realise tomorrow is that I have been this clown pretending to be someone half his age and thinking, ‘how did that happen?’ I try to be mindful to keep myself in a place that feels artistically uncomfortable, unsure and makes me think and shoots me into some place new rather than resting on past achievements.” -Trent Reznor

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