
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Born of Osiris Streaming ENTIRE "Tomorrow We Die ∆live" Album

You don't think I could leave you with just two full streams today did you?  Since the first post was an EP, I felt like I cheated some of you dedicated readers into only 18 minutes worth of tunes.  So once again Sumerian Records has done what they do best and promote their bands.  One of the bigger acts on their label, Born of Osiris, released a new album last Tuesday (Aug. 20th) titled "Tomorrow We Die ∆live" and has been highly anticipated by many in the metal industry.

A group that has consistently increased their presence and writing abilities with each album, BOO has transformed themselves from mediocre opening act to highly demanded main stage material.  I recommend you all give a closer listen to the guitar work on the album as some of the sweeps will simply blow your mind.    The overall production of the album is crisp and clean as well.  You can easily identify each instrument on the album making it simple to follow along for covers and playthroughs.

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