So when it was announced that the drum and bass positions for Slipknot have been filed (in the absence of Joey leaving, and Paul passing away), the band wanted to reintroduce this secrecy of the "new members". I think in this day and age of instant online access/information, it wasn't going to pan out the same as 10/15+ years ago when the band first started out. However, they did a pretty good job at keeping it under wraps.
That changed on December 3rd, 2014 when a former drum tech of the band decided to publicly call out those "new members".
Followed by another post:
So now that the internet had a field day over the weekend with these photos, it's time to see what Slipknot's response is going to be. They might just say "f** it" and come out with the revealing, or take the high road and pretend like it didn't happen. I am not really sure why they are keeping these guys out of the spotlight anyways. I kind of feel by this point either they are in the group or they are not. It was kind of like Korn when they had their additional members wearing masks on set. I know that Slipknot and Korn have different POVs with regards to masks, but the principal is the same. If the new member is dedicated, hard working, fits well, and can tour/record with the band, then out with it!
But I ask you all, is this a dick move by a disgruntled drum tech or giving the band the jump start to finally introduce the new members? I guess we will wait and see from the Slipknot camp.
I don't know, I am too old to really have an opinion on this. LOL No seriously though, I don't understand what the big secrecy is. Who cares, is what I think. Why is it a big deal to keep the identity of the new members all hush hush, and why do fans go crazy and want to know, like it is going to be this big unveiling. It is a metal band, not a diva band. Like come on guys, grow up here. I think the days of them not revealing their real names are long gone, so why do the secrecy thing again. Say who is in the band and get over yourselves. I don't care that the drum tech did this, I feel that it is a "f-U' to Slipknot for doing this silly secrecy thing. Yeah maybe a dick move, but oh well. Slipknot should just come out and say "yes this is the band" and be grown-ups about it.