These articles brought forth are for a few different reasons:
1. It is relevant music information that pertains to you as a reader, no matter the level of intent or the genre.
2. They are relevant to the music I would be currently listening to or a genre I have put some attention and focus on.
3. I am somewhat patriotic about my Canadian music, so that always comes as a first for me. I enjoy music from all parts of the world respectively, but I still have to promote local if I can. Canadian music rocks!
4. Because it's humourous and we can ALWAYS use a good laugh. Rarely will it be at someone's expense...but then again I am just the guy talking about it. They're the ones causing the comments.
So in closing, I trust you all will not read EVERY single article posted here. But I hope you find something of use here and keep the conversation going by forwarding it onto someone else. Click on each article heading for redirection to the full article. Cheers!
Google launches music subscription service as stock soars above $900 US:
"Google's All Access allows users to search for songs, albums or artists directly, or peruse 22 different genres. Google curators also offer up recommendations based on your listening behaviour and your existing library of songs."
10 Stellar David Bowie Covers:
"In honor of Hadfield's historic achievement, we've collected our favorite covers of the Thin White Duke's songs."
Stone Temple Pilots / Chester Bennington "Out of Time" Single Released:
“I’ve loved STP since I was 13 years old and they’ve had a huge influence on me. When the opportunity came up to do something creative with them, I jumped at the chance. The guys in Linkin Park have been incredibly supportive of me undertaking this project while I’ve continued to work on new music with LP.” -Bennington
"You might be thinking... 'Why is he trying to raise so much money?' I realize $77,000 sounds like a lot, but in the world of filmmaking, it's actually a small amount. The money I raise will go directly towards making a great film, one that meets or exceeds Hollywood standards. Hollywood can afford to be mediocre, I can't. Once you've watched the introductory video, you might be saying, "Why does he need money if he owns a hair salon?" The fact is... running a small business today is very difficult. I have a young family and after paying out all of our overhead, what is left is just enough to etch out a living. I am no different than anyone working a day job. However, I am fortunate to be able to incorporate my art into my job, which inspires me each day. I believe that every person out there deserves happiness, and everyone should be doing what they love for a living. When you find something that you love... you become lost in it.
I am raising funds for a well-thought-out vision that cannot be achieved for less than $77,000. I decided to go with kickstarter because raising half the goal is pointless in my eyes. If I don't achieve the set goal, I get nothing. So please take a chance on me." -Harley Di Nardo
Dropkick Murphys Feature Bruce Springsteen on Charity EP:
"The EP, Rose Tattoo: For Boston Charity, is out now on iTunes for $1.29, with all proceeds going to bombing victims through the Dropkick Murphys' Claddagh Fund, a registered non-profit the band established to 'serve the most vulnerable in our communities.'"
Young Canadian classical players to mentor Indian musicians:
“I think about sharing my love and my inspiration for music and being able to share some of my experiences and just help them get better, because nothing is more encouraging about music than getting better at your instrument and improving.” -Gabriel Radford
John Lennon guitar snags $408,000 at auction:
"The semi-hollow-body guitar, manufactured by the VOX company, was sold to an unidentified U.S. buyer at the "Music Icons" event organized by Beverly Hills, California-based Julien's Auctions and held at the Hard Rock Cafe in Manhattan."
Live Review: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club @ Kool Haus | May 9:
"Black Rebel Motorcycle Club have always had somewhat of a dark mystique about them but after seeing them live it is apparent these are musicians who care less about image and more about putting on a good show. It was not a bad way to spend a Thursday night!"
Ray Manzarek of The Doors dies at 74:
Prince takes control of his music:
"Prince, who received the Billboard Icon Award at Sunday night's ceremony, has announced that he's created a unique new partnership with independent music services company Kobalt Music Group."
Ali Fontaine takes home Native American Music Award:
"After my first year I realized the path and courses I was taking were not the field I wanted to get into. So I decided to switch and enroll in the business administration program at Red River College. Being a musician is a job that requires a lot of self motivation and is a lot like running your own business. I figure with this field I can apply my business skills with my music and take full control of my career."
Live Review: Paramore @ Sound Academy | May 13th:
"The energy Hayley Williams has on stage just shows how much she loves what she does and doesn’t let anyone doubt that for a second. She vocalized her appreciation of the fans and their support more than a few times throughout the evening."
Five Finger Death Punch release the lyric video for "Lift Me Up" (featuring Rob Halford of Judas Priest):
"The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 1" is scheduled for a July 23rd, 2013 release. Volume 2 will be released at a later date.
Ticketmaster settles rewards lawsuit for $23M:
"We are looking forward to putting this case — that stems from several years ago, prior to Ticketmaster's merger with Live Nation — behind us so we can resume our focus on delivering the best possible ticket buying experience for fans." -Ticketmaster
Perth, Australia's Karnivool have release their first single off their new (yet to be titled) album:
Download the song for a limited time here.
Limp Bizkit’s Fred Durst: “We’re Writing An Anti-Radio Record”:
MH: How’s the new record looking at this stage, Fred?
FD: “I’m finishing vocals on the new album. It’s sounding pretty awesome actually. It’s really raw, heavy, groove. It’s honest, it’s the record we wanted to make. We got in there and just let things go, kept it a little… I turned it up a few notches, better than being in that comfort zone as the last couple of experiences. I feel like it’s going pretty good, we’re really happy with it. It’s definitely an anti-radio record – a couple of the grooves are kinda catchy, but we went in thinking that anything too catchy, we’re just discarding it. It’s kind of fun in that way.”
TERROR: 'Hard Lessons' Video Released:
FILTER: New Song 'Surprise' Available For Streaming:
"We have this beautiful record that starts off heavy and mean and then it goes back to the more moody, almost joyful parts of life. For me, the record that we always try to model is the 'Title Of Record' era — that sets the standard in how heavy and how light we can go. We just aspire to make the songs as good and I think the songwriting is superior, we just have to make sure the performances are as desperate and powerful as those crazy takes I did when I was kid." -Richard Patrick
"The Jeff Hanneman Memorial Celebration will take place on Thursday, May 23 at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles from 3:30 – 7:30pm. The all-ages event will be free and open to the public on a first-come, first-in basis."

"It just didn't feel like @NineInchNails without Robin Finck. Now it does."
"There needs to be more labels like Razor & Tie out there. I feel like they actually understand the band's motives and will do what it takes to help us present our vision. It's going to be a fun adventure that we are about to embark on with them." -Bradley Bell
Megadeth release new single "Kingmaker", which is featured on the new album "Super Collider"...out on June 4th, 2013:
"Since As i Lay Dying has announced they will not be able to join us on this tour...we would like to welcome Official Darkest Hour, and The Word Alive on the Disarm the Descent 2013 US TOUR!
Please welcome both bands with open arms, ROCK!"
Former The Mars Volta/At The Drive-In Frontman Reveals New Band Name:
Cedric Bixler Zavala – Guitar, Vocals | Dan Elkan – Guitar, Vocals | Greg Rogove – Drums, Vocals
| Juan Alderete de la Peña – Bass, Vocals
Franz Ferdinand Plan Summer Release for New Album
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